The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science has revised the requirements for the mathematics major, beginning in 2024-25. The revised major will be more flexible than the prior requirements, allowing students to focus mainly on pure mathematics, applied mathematics, or statistics – or to sample from all of these areas.
MA120 (Applied Linear Algebra) and MA221 (Advanced Linear Algebra) are new courses that will be required for the major. MA221 will have MA120 as a prerequisite. Starting in 2024-25, these two courses will replace MA220 (Linear Algebra) which will no longer be offered. This change should not affect any student that has already declared a major or minor in mathematics. But if you have already taken MA220 (Linear Algebra), please talk to your academic advisor to discuss any potential changes in your plans.
MA275 (Sequences and Series) is a new course that will be a prerequisite for many upper-level courses beginning in 2024-25. If you have not already taken MA375 (Real Analysis), you should take MA275 as soon as possible.