ANYARE?: 'Media bias' and agenda setting in the 2022 elections

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MANILA, Philippines — As the 2022 polls draw nearer, allegations of media bias for or against aspiring candidates — online and offline — also become apparent.

Critical reportage has long been tagged by certain sectors of society to be "politically motivated," pressuring journalists to report more on positives than negatives.

But should journalists really rid themselves of journalistic values in the quest for absolute objectivity? Or can media practitioners use their pro-people biases and principles to answer a larger responsibility — all while upholding ethics?

How should journos cover the campaign period and equip the public with informed decisions before May 2022? What can they do to stop the proliferation of misinformation by certain camps?

What would happen if news writers and editors continue with personality-based coverages instead of issue-based and platform-based reporting?

Tonight, we ask: Anyare?

Join Xave Gregorio and James Relativo as they discuss the Election 2022 Pledge for Journalists and Media Organizations together with Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) executive director Melinda Quintos De Jesus and National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) national chairperson Jonathan de Santos.

Catch the 11th episode of Anyare? on’s Facebook and YouTube accounts.