Rotate PDF

Rotate PDF online! With this free and safe online tool you can rotate PDF pages page by page or all together.

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There are many different reasons for why you might want to rotate all or specific pages inside your PDF document.

While scanning a stack of documents or a book, it might happen that you accidentally scan one or a few pages upside down. When merging different PDF documents, it might also happen that one of them was upside-down or sideways.

Whatever happened, PDF2Go got you covered! Rotate all pages of a document or just the pages you want to transform this way. This free PDF rotate tool allows you the highest amount of customizability for your specific needs! And if you have any questions about or an issue with our online PDF editor, let us know and we will help you!

How do I rotate a PDF?

  1. Upload the PDF document.
  2. Click on the arrow buttons to rotate the pages shown in the thumbnails.
  3. Rotate all pages either to the left or the right using the respective button.
  4. Use "Reset" to reset all changes.
  5. Click on "Save" to open the menu, then confirm by clicking on the "Save" button.

Background image showing a folder

How to rotate PDF pages online

PDF2Go and all our tools to edit PDF online are completely free of charge. Once you are done rotating the pages inside your PDF, go ahead and delete pages, rearrange them, split the PDF document into more, convert PDF to Word, and so much more!

Step 1: Open the online PDF editor for rotating documents

Simply open the PDF editing tool on that allows you to rotate pages inside a PDF document. Editing a PDF document this way is not only easy, it's also completely free to use.

Rotate PDF on PDF2Go

Step 2: Upload your PDF

Upload your document to rotate pages inside of the document. You can do so via drag and drop, browsing your computer or device for the file, grabbing a file from Dropbox or Google Drive, and by providing a link to an already uploaded PDF. Please note that you can only upload one document at the time.

Upload your PDF

Step 3: Rotate PDF pages easily and fast

The pages of your PDF will be displayed as thumbnails, so you know exactly which page is the upside-down or wrong one.
Rotate all pages of a PDF by using the buttons on top to either rotate all pages to the left or the right. If you want to rotate only one or a few pages, use the buttons next to the page's thumbnail. Of course, the thumbnail will change to reflect the changes.

Rotate PDFs in the PDF editor

Step 4: Confirm the rotation and download your new PDF

Open the save menu and confirm by clicking on "Save". Once your PDF is ready, you can download it or upload it to a cloud storage such as Dropbox and Google Drive. And that's all it takes to rotate your PDF's pages!

Download your rotated PDF

Rotate your PDF online
for free and wherever you want

How To Rotate PDF Pages

In the box above, you can either drag and drop your PDF or upload it from another source.

Once the file is uploaded, every page will be presented to you as a thumbnail. Choose the page you want to rotate and click on a button next to it to rotate the page clockwise or counterclockwise.

Rotate PDF Files Online

No download. No installation. No virus or malware.

With PDF2Go you can edit PDF files online using your browser. Everything is done on our servers so you don’t need any extra application or program.

Permanently Rotate PDF Files

Especially when scanning images, single sheets of paper or legal documents like your passport or insurance card, it can happen that some scans are upside down.

If this happened to you, you can easily rotate a PDF file with PDF2Go.

100% File Security

With PDF2Go your files are safe. We guarantee that your files will not be manually checked or forwarded to anyone else but you.

The copyright, of course, remains the same as well.

Still Questions? Check out our Privacy Policy.

Can I Rotate My File?

All kinds of Adobe PDFs can be rotate using PDF2Go. You can also rotate RTF files or Microsoft Word pages. Also the rotation of large files is supported.


PDF Rotation On The Go

Some tasks have to be handled quickly. No need to turn on your computer: rotating PDFs can be done from any device from all over the world using PDF2Go.

We support most operating systems and browsers.

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