Retirement Information

The University of North Dakota has two retirement programs. Participation in a retirement plan is mandatory. The retirement program an employee participates in depends on the position.

North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System ( Open this section)

North Dakota Public Employees Retirement System

NDPERS is a defined benefit plan.

NDPERS Contributions

A total of 16.26% is contributed to NDPERS. UND contributes the majority of the NDPERS contributions. The amount contributed is a percent of gross wages. If you were to terminate employment and take a lump sum withdrawal of the account you would receive the employee portion, including the employee portion paid by UND plus interest.

Members hired on or after January 1, 2020

Members hired prior to January 1, 2020

NDPERS Benefit at Retirement

The Public Employees Retirement System is a “defined benefit” plan, which allows members to compute their future retirement benefits from a mathematical formula as set forth in N.D.C.C. 54-52-17(4).

Your NDPERS defined benefit is based on the following calculation:

Final Average Salary X Benefit Multiplier X Years of Service Credit = Monthly Single Life Retirement Benefit

Final Average Salary is calculated as the higher of one of the following:

Benefit Multiplier is the rate established by the legislature, at which you earn benefits.

To receive a monthly benefit you must meet any of the following requirements.

If you were hired on or before December 31, 2015:

If you were hired on or after January 1, 2016:

Portability Enhancement Provision

NDPERS will convert a percentage of the contributions you make to a supplemental retirement account, from the NDPERS employer portion to the employee portion. For example, in your first year of employment, if you contribute at least 1% of your salary to a supplemental retirement account, NDPERS will convert 1% of the employer money sent in for you to the employee side. It continues at 2% for the second year, 3% for the third and a maximum of 4 % for the fourth year and more. There are no matching funds. This is a transfer of employer contributions, which have already been contributed, to the employee accumulations.

You do not sign up for PEP, enrollment is automatic when you contribute to any 403(b) or 457(b) plan as a payroll deduction.

NDPERS Retirement After UND

You may leave your money in for later withdrawal. You may take a refund of the employee portion of contributions. This would be subject to 20% federal income tax before you receive the money. There is a 10% IRS penalty for early withdrawal if you are younger than 59 1/2 years old, this is assessed when you do your taxes for the year you received the refund.

You may take a retirement benefit if you meet the criteria for a benefit:

NDPERS Credit from Previous Position

If you have worked for another ND State Agency and have not taken a refund of your retirement money you should notify UND and your previous agency and a transfer form will be completed for you.

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association ( Open this section)

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association

TIAA is a defined contribution plan With TIAA you are vested immediately.

TIAA Contributions

Contributions are based on years of service. All employee contributions are pretax.

Employee % Employer %
0-2 Years 3.5% 7.5%
2-10 Years 4.5% 12.5%
After 10 Years 5.0% 13.0%

Associate and Full Professor starts at the 2-10 year level. Years of service credit is given for previous participation at other institutions where you contributed to TIAA as long as the funds have not been withdrawn. There is a Previous Participation form in your new employee forms to complete it is then verified Human Resources.

Allocating Contributions

There is a brief summary of each account available during the TIAA online enrollment process.

Premium Allocation

The total amount of TIAA that is sent in on your behalf earns interest according to the allocation choices you make.

TIAA Enrollment

If at any point you need assistance in the enrollment process, please call TIAA at 1.800.842.2273 to guide you through the process.

Prior-To Online Enrollment

To review your investment options prior to enrolling, go to