Confidence Obstacle Course Construction and Safety

The following paragraphs discuss course sketches that describe in detail CFOC construction and safety requirements.


Key Safety Precautions for CFOCs:

  1. Pre-use Inspection: Verify structural soundness and safety devices before use.
  2. Risk Assessment: Update risk assessments daily, adjusting for changes in conditions.
  3. Instructor Certification: Instructors should undergo proper training and certification before overseeing any course.
  4. Exercise Protocols: Conduct preparation exercises before and recovery exercises after course completion.
  5. Physical Training Limitation: Do not engage in muscle failure training 12 hours before the CFOC.
  6. Landing/Fall Area Maintenance: Regularly rake and refill these areas.
  7. Water Hazards: Fill puddles to avoid any misconceptions about the obstacle’s depth or safety.
  8. Weather Consideration: Modify or delay training if obstacles are hazardous due to weather.
  9. Instructor-Led Demonstrations: Before allowing Soldiers to attempt, instructors should showcase correct obstacle navigation.
  10. Clear Signage: Install signs at every obstacle, detailing the correct negotiation procedure.
  11. Maintenance & Inspection Log: For each CFOC, maintain a log that contains:

Obstacle List:

  1. Tough One
  2. Slide for Life
  3. Confidence Climb
  4. Skyscraper
  5. Belly Robber
  6. Tarzan
  7. Low Belly Over
  8. Dirty Name
  9. Tough Nut
  10. Belly Crawl
  11. Inclining Wall
  12. High Step Over
  13. Swing, Stop, and Jump
  14. Six Vaults
  15. Easy Balancer
  16. Belly Buster
  17. Low Wire
  18. Hip-Hip
  19. Reverse Climb
  20. Weaver
  21. Balancing Logs
  22. Island Hopper

Safety Equipment:

Figures E-13 to E-34:

Figure E-13. Tough one (course sketch)

Figure E-14. Slide for life (course sketch)

Figure E-15. Confidence climb (course sketch)

Figure E-16. Skyscraper (course sketch)

Figure E-17. Belly robber (course sketch)

Figure E-18. Tarzan (course sketch)

Figure E-19. Low belly over (course sketch)

Figure E-20. Dirty name (course sketch)

Figure E-21. Tough nut (course sketch)

Figure E-22. Belly crawl (course sketch)

Figure E-23. Inclining wall (course sketch)

Figure E-24. High step over (course sketch)

Figure E-25. Swing, stop, and jump (course sketch)

Figure E-26. Six vaults (course sketch)

Figure E-27. Easy balancer (course sketch)

Figure E-28. Belly buster (course sketch)

Figure E-29. Low wire (course sketch)

Figure E-30. Hip-hip (course sketch)

Figure E-31. Reverse climb (course sketch)

Figure E-32. Weaver (course sketch)

Figure E-33. Balancing logs (course sketch)

Figure E-34. Island hopper (course sketch)

George N. is the founder of While he never actually served in the United States Army, he has a passion for writing about military-related topics.

Born and raised in Bozeman, Montana, he graduated from George State University with an MBA in Actuarial Science. His hobbies include beach volleyball, hiking, fishing, and lifting weights

George is also a certified nutritionist with a passion for health and fitness.

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